Once set up, there are several ways to use the plugin to generate images.
Gutenberg Block #
The Gutenberg block allows you to search for images (as featured image or in the content) to illustrate your pages & posts by searching for your keywords across all image banks. Simply add an “MPT Images” block or click on “Generate Manually” in the location of the featured image area:
This is what the Gutenberg block looks like, with a search field and all the image libraries pre-selected in the parameters:
Manual mode #
It is also possible to generate a featured image automatically when creating and editing a post. If you have enabled images for the post type (e.g. “Posts” in Magic Post Thumbnail > Posts > Relevant post type), a “Click to generate” button will appear and an image will be generated a few seconds after you click it.
Bulk Action #
Another way to generate images is to do it for multiple posts at once. If your content type is Posts, go to Posts > All Posts. Then tick the boxes for all the posts you want to generate images for. Next, from the list of Bulk actions, select ‘Generate Featured Images‘ and click Apply. You will then be taken to the image generation page, and a notification will appear for each post, informing you of the success or failure of the image generation.
Crons #
The Pro version of the plugin allows you to set up crons. The plugin will therefore generate images at regular intervals if this option is enabled.
Compatibility with other plugins #
The Pro version is also compatible with some automatic content creation plugins for WordPress.
Here is the list of compatible plugins:
- REST Requests
- Featured Image from URL
- WPeMatico
- FeedWordPress
- WP All Import
- WP Automatic Plugin
“Save post” Hook #
If the plugin you want to use with Magic Post Thumbnail is not available, you can still try enabling the “Save Post” or “WP Insert Post” hook in the “Automatic” settings section. There is a good chance that this will help you generate your images automatically: